It's so lovely to meet you here! I'm Jessica Urquhart, a Decision Empowerment Coach, Certified Deep Transformational Coach and Certified Professional Coach (C.P.C.).
My coaching specialty is guiding high-impact, values based decision-making.
You're likely here because you're at a major crossroad in your life.
Whether you're considering a new career direction, relocation opportunities, or committing yourself to a major lifestyle shift, taking that big leap into the unknown is intimidating.
Big life changes can feel like hiking across a river of slippery, muddy rocks - hesitating about where is safe to step, trying to keep balance on unstable foundations, and worrying about falling in.
The good news is, you don't have to journey into big changes the hard way.
Don't trudge through the sucky mud,
let's take a bridge!
I can help you build the bridges between where you are and where you want to go.
Here's how.
Before becoming a coach, I worked directly alongside executives, board directors and business owners for 20 years in the fields of corporate finance and financial services. Through those decades, I refined an expertise in leading and organizing high-impact and high risk decisions to invest in major projects that generate sustainable value (renewable wind energy investments were my jam).
While my skills are highly valuable and the work I was doing was important to our world, I often sensed that unshakable inner knowing that my soul was not satisfied with my career.
So when I decided to take a big leap, invest in myself, start my own business, and study with masterful coaches and academies to become a certified professional coach, I was ecstatic to discover the clear connection between the pillars of powerful business decisions I've utilized for years to create billions in capital value, and the practical pillars of support we crave when we're stepping into big, personal investments for our dreams. Those hefty choices we make to bend and stretch in new directions, so we can flourish both professionally and personally.
By building ALTAZ Coaching to leverage my extensive business acumen while amplifying my impact with the heart and soul of transformational coaching, I get to adeptly help inspiring people decide how to invest themselves in fulfilling their dreams, and support their launch into action.
➤ I'm a city-living, low-key, nature nut. While I thrive in the buzzing excitement of living in beautiful Chicago, I stay grounded and connected with rejuvenating hikes through local forest preserves, taking remote road trips along scenic byways, and remembering that life is so much bigger than "me" while backpacking over mountaintops. You'll hear a lot about the benefits of nature immersion as we work together.
➤ My corporate career has been a rich road with broad exposure and deep insights into the complexities inside dozens of corporations and organizational structures, both good and bad. Professional services, start-ups, privately owned corporations and global public giants, to name a few. If you're working in a corporate setting and feel like you're going through some sh*t, it's highly likely that I have experienced perspectives to share and support you with.
➤ I share a fantastic partnership with the love of my life and the best adventure buddy I could ask for. We design our lifestyle together in ways that create our ideal sense of freedom to travel and adventure to our hearts' content. Before nestling into this sweet phase of my life, I was an avid solo traveler (I still am, just not as often these days). I love encouraging other women who want to step out of their comfort zone, step into their authority, and go do the damn things they've been longing to do, no matter who's available to join.
➤ Deciding to chart a new path for my life by becoming a coach and business owner has been one of my most rewarding (and challenging!) voyages into joy. Supporting ambitious, adventurous, heart-centered people (like you) as they flourish in their own right is what truly fuels my soul.
➤ Outside the box. I coach with powerful systems and processes that satisfy the structure and organization our brains crave, but the work we do together is always custom-tailored to the organic flow of your life.
➤ No bullshit. We keep it real with honest conversations about life: what's amazing, what sucks, and what can practically be transformed or achieved through intention and dedication (spoiler alert - a lot).
➤ Highly supportive. It never ceases to amaze me, the strength that manifests when we have the winds of encouragement at our backs. I'm here for you 100% and you'll know it.
➤ Compassionately challenging. We all hold assumptions that reflect perceptions of truth, but aren't absolute. Having a coach with an unbiased perspective who can see opportunities that you do not, can be radically life-changing.
We are each the owners of our life experience. By facing what is + engaging in what could be + trusting ourselves through what comes, we can create lives that serve us in totality.
We hold the ultimate keys to our own peace of mind, joy of heart, and fulfillment of soul.
~Cheryl Strayed
➤ Certified Deep Transformational Coach - Center for Transformational Coaching (ICF ACSTH)
➤ Certified Professional Coach - Life. Fun. Purpose. Institute of Coaching & Leadership
➤ Effective Communication & Influencing - Boston University
➤ Negotiation - University of Massachusetts, Boston
➤ BBA Accounting - University of Massachusetts, Amherst
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Proudly based in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Providing online coaching nationwide.